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Monday, 17 April 2023

"Where after passing order of detention under section 129 of cgst act against assessee, proper officer proceeded to issue order of confiscation of goods and conveyance in tran sit, thereby nullifying statutory right of owner of goods or non owners to get the goods released on compliance of con- ditions mentioned under section 129, the entire confisca- tion proceedings was rendered illegal." Karnataka High Court Notice of Confiscation issued after passing order of detention Under section-129


"Where after passing order of detention under section 129 of cgst act against assessee, proper officer proceeded to issue order of confiscation of goods and conveyance in tran sit, thereby nullifying statutory right of owner of goods or non owners to get the goods released on compliance of con- ditions mentioned under section 129, the entire confisca- tion proceedings was rendered illegal." Karnataka High Court Notice of Confiscation issued after passing order of detention Under section-129 
Rajeev Traders V. U01 
Writ Petition No. 100849 of 2022 (T-RES), 16-Aug-2022 

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